


selector onto-search-field
styleUrls onto-search-field.component.scss
templateUrl onto-search-field.component.html



Observable of data that is provides autocomplete options

Type: Observable<SearchFieldModel[]>


Custom template reference. Will override the template used in autocomplete dropdown.
When creating the custom template, a variable must be declared in order to access the object and its properties.
The variable holds the index number of the element in it's index parameter, and the element in it's state parameter.

For example, if you name you variable item:


Type: TemplateRef<any>


If the results for the autocomplete are obtained at once and the component is responsible for filtering them,
then the true must be set.
By default is set to false assuming every key press sends a request for a new list of autocomplete results.

Type: boolean


A custom function that applies to each of the selected search objects, which is not free text.
The function is applied to the selected search phrases when Search button is pressed.

If not specified, the component returns the selected object unmodified.

this.searchResultMappingFunction = (data) => data.label;

Type: (args: SearchFieldModel) => any


Preselected states list.

Type: any[]



On key press event emitter.

$event type: EventEmitter<any>

Emits selected search phrases on search button press.

$event type: EventEmitter<any>


Public onSearchEvent
onSearchEvent($event: any)
Returns: void
Public onKeyPressEvent
onKeyPressEvent($event: any)
Returns: void


Public states
states: Observable<SearchFieldModel[]>
import {Component, EventEmitter, Input, OnInit, Output, TemplateRef} from '@angular/core';
import {Observable, of} from 'rxjs';
import {SearchFieldModel} from './models/search-field-model';

  selector: 'onto-search-field',
  templateUrl: './onto-search-field.component.html',
  styleUrls: ['./onto-search-field.component.scss'],
export class OntoSearchFieldComponent implements OnInit {
   * Custom template reference. Will override the template used in autocomplete dropdown.
   * When creating the custom template, a variable must be declared in order to access the object and its properties.
   * The variable holds the index number of the element in it's index parameter, and the element in it's state parameter.
   * For example, if you name you variable item:
   * <ng-template #customTemplate let-item>
   * <span [attr.appCypressData]="'custom-state-label-' + item.index" class="state-label">{{item.state.label}}</span>
   * </ng-template>
  customTemplate?: TemplateRef<any>;

   * Preselected states list.
  public selectedList: any[];

   * Observable of data that is provides autocomplete options
  private autocompleteData: Observable<SearchFieldModel[]>;

   * If the results for the autocomplete are obtained at once and the component is responsible for filtering them,
   * then the true must be set.
   * By default is set to false assuming every key press sends a request for a new list of autocomplete results.
  enableInnerAutocompleteFiltration: boolean;

   * A custom function that applies to each of the selected search objects, which is not free text.
   * The function is applied to the selected search phrases when Search button is pressed.
   * If not specified, the component returns the selected object unmodified.
   * Example:
   * this.searchResultMappingFunction = (data) => data.label;
  public searchResultMappingFunction: (args: SearchFieldModel) => any;

   * Emits selected search phrases on search button press.
  onSearch: EventEmitter<any> = new EventEmitter<any>();

   * On key press event emitter.
  public onKeyPress: EventEmitter<any> = new EventEmitter<any>();

  public states: Observable<SearchFieldModel[]>;

  ngOnInit(): void {
    this.states = this.autocompleteData || of([]);

  public onSearchEvent($event: any): void {

  public onKeyPressEvent($event: any): void {

results matching ""

    No results matching ""