Source: parser/parser-registry.js

const ContentParser = require('../parser/content-parser');
const ConsoleLogger = require('../logging/console-logger');

 * Implementation of registry holding {@link ContentParser} instances and
 * providing interface for registration and access.
 * If this registry is not provided with a list with parsers then it is
 * initialized empty. Otherwise provided parsers are validated if they are
 * compatible with the {@link ContentParser} interface and an error is
 * thrown if there are invalid parsers.
 * @class
 * @author Mihail Radkov
 * @author Svilen Velikov
class ParserRegistry {
   * @param {ContentParser[]} [parsers] initialized list with valid parser
   * instances.
  constructor(parsers = []) {
    this.parsers = {};

   * Initializes a console logger.
  initLogger() {
    this.logger = new ConsoleLogger({
      name: 'ParserRegistry'

   * Register provided {@link ContentParser} under given key as returned by
   * <code>parser.getSupportedType()</code>.
   * If the type of the provided parser is already registered, then this method
   * will override the registered parser with the provided instance.
   * @param {ContentParser} parser implementation wrapper.
  register(parser) {

    const supportedType = parser.getSupportedType();
    if (this.parsers[supportedType]) {
      this.logger.warn({parserType: supportedType},
        'Overriding registered parser');

    this.parsers[parser.getSupportedType()] = parser;

   * Getter for parser of given type.
   * @param {string} type of the parser for get.
   * @return {ContentParser} if parser of requested type is found or
   * <code>null</code> otherwise.
  get(type) {
    return this.parsers[type];

   * Maps provided parsers by their supported content type.
   * @private
   * @param {ContentParser[]} parsers provided with the constructor.
  init(parsers) {
    parsers.forEach((parser) => {
      this.parsers[parser.getSupportedType()] = parser;

   * @private
   * @param {ContentParser[]} parsers
  validateParsers(parsers) {
    parsers.forEach((parser) => {

   * @private
   * @param {ContentParser} parser to be validated
   * @throws {Error} if the provided parser is not implementing
   * {@link ContentParser} or has not supported type
  static validateParser(parser) {
    if (!parser || !(parser instanceof ContentParser)) {
      throw new Error('Parser is not provided or does not implement' +
        ' ContentParser!');
    if (!parser.getSupportedType()) {
      throw new Error('Parser type is mandatory parameter!');

module.exports = ParserRegistry;