Source: http/http-response.js

 * Wrapper for HTTP responses.
 * Includes the HTTP client that performed the request and received the response
 * and the elapsed time in milliseconds.
 * @class
 * @author Mihail Radkov
class HttpResponse {
   * Constructs new wrapper with the supplied response and client.
   * @param {AxiosResponse} response the HTTP response
   * @param {HttpClient} httpClient client that performed the HTTP request
  constructor(response, httpClient) {
    this.response = response;
    this.httpClient = httpClient;

   * Returns the HTTP response's data.
   * @return {string|any} the response data
  getData() {

   * Returns the HTTP response's headers.
   * @return {{object}} the headers map
  getHeaders() {
    return this.response.headers;

   * Sets the elapsed time of the request and response.
   * @param {number} elapsedTime the elapsed time in milliseconds
  setElapsedTime(elapsedTime) {
    this.elapsedTime = elapsedTime;

   * Returns the elapsed time of the HTTP request execution.
   * @return {number} the elapsed time in milliseconds
  getElapsedTime() {
    return this.elapsedTime;

   * Returns the base URL to which this request was performed.
   * @return {string} the base URL
  getBaseURL() {
    return this.httpClient.getBaseURL();

module.exports = HttpResponse;